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Introduction to China Industrial Technology Association of Economic Management Colleges

Introduction of China Industrial Technology Association of Economic Management Colleges

China Industrial Technology Association of Economic Management Colleges(hereinafter referred to as CITA) was established in 1983.It is an academic organization where the country's economic management institutions are engaged in teaching, research and practice in the field of combination of technical and economic edge interdisciplinary, belonging to Xi'an Jiaotong University.Its members spread throughout the north, northeast, northwest, central, east, southwest and south China regions,most of whom are engaged in teaching,research and management works related to the technology and economy combined edge interdisciplinary including technology trade, economic statistics, logistics management, technical and economic, standardized management, e-commerce, technology management, technology introduction, operational management from economic management institutions all over the country and those who engaged in the work related to the disciplinary in the society.Mainly the national economic management institutions teaching,research, management the workers and social workers in enterprises and institutions engaged in the relevant disciplines.Its business includes five parts which are theoretical research, academic exchanges, business training, international cooperation and advisory services.

In April 2008,CITA located in Xi'an Jiaotong University.Zeng Xiaochun,who is the doctoral supervisor of Xi'an Jiaotong University and participated in the preparing work during the preparatory period of the association served as the legal representative and chairman.Jiang Zhuangde,the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Xi'an Jiaotong and Yang Guoliang the  former chairman of the association, served as the honorary chairman.Wang Jinying,the dean of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School of Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture,served as the Secretary-General.

The purpose of the association is to promote discipline construction and reform, to strengthen the cooperation between members, to promote academic exchanges in the field of economic management according to the needs of economic management categories.It takes theoretical studies and research activities as its responsibility,devotes to offering a  platform of communication and cooperation for the members, and providing advice to government departments and the enterprises.


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