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Standing Committee Wang Jianming 's "business negotiation practical experience and skills - depth interviews with fifty business negotiators" (2nd edition) Listed


    The"business negotiation experience and skills -- depth interviews of fifty business negotiators(Second Edition)"  edited by Professor Wang Jianming in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics ( he also is a member of the standing committee of Communication and Negotiation Committee, )  is a part of the works on business negotiation combat personnelinterview. 50 of respondents including company chairman and general manager, CO president, director of marketing, sales manager, management personnel, teachers,individual entrepreneurs, they are active in the line of business negotiation practice.

© Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2010 Email:zsg771126@gmail.com Add: NO.74 the west yenta road,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710061, P.R. China Record number:陕ICP备14000952号-2 技术支持:黑羽网络